False Start or Another Chance?

Having Chinese New Year so close to the start of 2022 almost makes me feel like we are in an extended state of celebration. Like we aren’t quite ready to start this year just yet.

A test-drive, if you will.

January was merely a taste of the madness to come, and already, it feels like everything is moving too fast. How do I continue to live slow, when everything demands speed? Question for the year ahead.

February will be exciting, with many live shows returning to rehearsal and stage. Oddsocks begins rehearsals for a full staging in March, and I’ll get to work with students from SMU Stageit & SRT Inclusive Young Company! It will be a treat, and such a joy, to be back in the room with people.

Perhaps, this little festive lull is just the thing we need, another chance to start the year right. Wishing everyone a blessed lunar new year - 虎年行大运!




New Beginnings